The South African Payroll Association (SAPA) represents the payroll profession with legislative bodies in South Africa. The Association is managed by an Executive Committee, comprising industry representatives and specialists, and is affiliated to other professional payroll associations worldwide, who share a common goal: to promote excellence in the payroll profession.
SAPA provides members with regular newsletters, seminars, workshops and conferences to ensure that members stay current with payroll-related matters, and facilitate networking and learning from one another. To find out more about membership, click here.
Furthermore we provide a mechanism of communication via a natural body between our colleagues in the payroll profession and government, in particular The South African Revenue Service (SARS).
The South African Payroll Association is a Voluntary Association established in 1999 as a representative organisation to preside over issues that affect the specialised field of payroll administration.
The body is managed by an executive committee comprising industry representatives and specialists in the field.
As the SAQA recognised professional body for Payroll, SAPA plays a vital role in co-ordinating, implementing and managing standards within this business area. All members of the SA Payroll Association subscribe to the Associations Code of Ethics.